Lunar New Year in Konkuk

I normally don’t go out much in the winter. I’m one of those people who switch to hibernation mode as soon as it gets too cold out to walk around for too long. However, this winter, thankfully, has not been too terrible. On most days I can walk around without a hat or gloves on and feel okay.

Yesterday, my friend Theresa and I decided to walk around her neighborhood of Konkuk for a bit, and then head to her place to bake cookies. I don’t really enjoy baking the way some people do. I think there must be a baking gene that I wasn’t born with because I just could never get into it. But I do still try sometimes, and I’ve found when you’re baking with another person and there’s alcohol involved, it’s a lot more fun.

The area around Konkuk University Station is a great place to shop and eat. Unfortunately, we picked a bad day to walk around since many of the stores and restaurants were closed for the holiday, but we were able to find a restaurant in the small Chinese neighborhood near the station. Apparently this small section is very well known for it’s authentic Chinese restaurants, bakeries and supermarkets. It did feel a tiny bit like walking around Manhattan’s Chinatown, though with much less noise, people, traffic and mysterious malodor wafting through the air. It was definitely a much more pleasant and less hectic experience.